tirsdag den 31. marts 2009

Like Kate Lanphear

Hun er en af de få kvinder, der ved hvordan man forener punk med elegance. Jeg er vild med hendes stil, så derfor har jeg kastet mig ud i lidt af et eksperiment med pigge/nitte armbånd. Jeg har ikke haft dem på endnu, men jeg glæder mig til at se om jeg kan bære dem med samme elegance som Kate L.
She combines classic elegance with punk elements, and is remarkably good at it. She has inspired me to try some new and different things, and that is why I bought these punkish bracelets. I’m excited to wear them and I hope that I can pull it off as well she does.

mandag den 30. marts 2009

Budget dress

Lanvins leopard kjoler er ikke til at komme udenom når man snakker forårskjoler. De er drømmeagtige, luksuriøse og frem for alt flatterende for de kvindelige former. Udover det er jeg også vild med det lidt utraditionelle leopard print, som i kraft af sine blålige og lyserøde toner giver en mere subtil og sofistikeret look til kjolerne.
Så da jeg for nylig kom forbi Tiger of Sweden med min ligeså modebesatte veninde, påpegede hun straks, at en af kjolerne mindede hende om Lanvin Spring 2009. Det havde hun ret i, og bortset fra silhuetten, så var leopard printene meget lig Lanvins. Jeg tror at kjolen kun kostede 1000 kr, og den står helt klart på min ønskeliste.

Lanvins leopard dresses are for me, some of the most beautiful spring dresses this season. They are dreamy, luxurious and above all very flattering for a woman’s body. Besides I just loved the untraditional, subtle and sophisticated leopard spots.
I recently found an alternative budget dress, which really reminds me of Lanvins leopard dresses. This one is from Tiger of Sweden and cost only about 178$

fredag den 27. marts 2009

High - vs. Street Fashion

Louis Vuitton

Louis Vuitton
Top Shop


Designeren for Louis Vuitton Marc Jacobs gav denne sæson sit bud på en meget sexy og saftig kollektion. Kollektionen var spækket med vilde accessories, men det var de smukke sko der tiltrak min opmærksomhed. Besmykkede med fjer og med referencer til tribal – art, er skoene så ’over the top’, at enhver fashionista vil give alt for at besidde disse skønheder.
Jeg har for nylig været i Zara og Top Shop, hvor jeg fandt et par sandaler og en taske i ægte Louis Vuitton ånd.

Designer for Louis Vuitton Marc Jacobs presented this season very sexy collection. But my attention was mainly drawn towards the beautiful and extravagant shoes and bags. Couple of days ago I found a pair of shoes in Zara and a bag in Top Shop, that were truly in Vuitton spirit.

onsdag den 25. marts 2009

Wang Vibe

1. Tiger of Sweden Vest 2. Zara Shoes 3. Zara Blazer 4. Zara Vest 5. Top Shop Boyfriend Blazer
Alexander Wang er pt. en af de hotteste designere. Personlig er jeg ikke hundrede pct. en Wang pige, men jeg er vild med hans sexede og ungdommelige forårs kollektion, som er fuld med boyfriend blazere, cool veste, shorts, ankelstøvler og de vilde pastel farver.
I dag var jeg ud i byen for at se på, hvor og hvordan man kan tilføje lidt mere Wang vibe til sin garderobe.
Alexander Wang is right now one of the hottest designers and even though I’m not completely a Wang girl, I just loved his sexy spring collection, especially boyfriend blazers and his cool vests. Today I went out looking to find where you can get more Wang vibe in your spring wardrobe, without spending big money.

onsdag den 11. marts 2009

‘90s vibe

I remember this trend; I went to seventh grade and everyone was flashing their bellies – this was 1995. Now fourteen years later I don’t think I can make myself show my belly again, but I still think it looks good.

mandag den 9. marts 2009

Home made

I love this guy! I met him at a release party and he told me that he made his clothes all by himself - well done!

søndag den 8. marts 2009


She is without a doubt a style – icon of our time. I like that she mixes boyish clothes like sharp blazers, military jackets - and pants with incredibly high heels, so she always looks sexy, but in a non-obvious way. She looks confident in her clothes and that’s what I mostly admire about her.

She dresses really simply, so it’s not that difficult to copy some of her style, but of course style also comes with attitude. Anyway if you have a pair of skinnies, cool leather jacket and sexy, but also rough high heels, than you are well on your way.

fredag den 6. marts 2009

Punk spirit

I don’t know why I haven’t bumped into this fabulous jewelry designer before. Tom Binns is his name and he is designing my dream jewelry. His tough and chick creations with a punk spirit are right up my alley, but as a student I can only dream. But where there is a will there is a way, so if you cannot afford expensive jewelry, there are always second hands (God bless them!). At the top are pictures of my two necklaces found in different second hands and below are Tom Binns designs.